Many corner shops or small family business, which have run for many years, are disappearing. Every fifth shop in Poland cannot withstand the competition with big networks or supermarkets. Even franchising is not a solution. Unfortunately, many business owners think that because the shop has been a moneymaker for so many years there is nothing to be changed. The owners do not want to invest their money in the decor of the shop that would rearrange the shop to be self-service one with modern interior, better organized shelves, well exposed products and pleasant lighting. Redecoration of the shop, from the counter one to self- service, generates many concerns about the costs of the design, redecoration and shoplifting. It is true that shoplifting generates more losses, however the sell goes up about 30-40 %. Nowadays, the customer wants to know what they buy, so they check and touch the product before putting it to the trolley. These small businesses have a chance to survive only if they are open and willing to change and develop. A good design is a good way to start and be success.
Do you run a shop? Have you got limited amount of money? Aren’t you happy you’re your business?